Protector HTTP service: Advanced tab


  1. Under Operation mode, select the mode to use for HTTP traffic:
    • Select Monitoring to monitor HTTP traffic only.
    • Select Blocking to block HTTP traffic that breaches policy.
  2. Under Policy violation, select Display default message to show a message in the user’s browser when a URL is blocked due to a policy violation. Click the Default message link to view the default message.
  3. Select Redirect to URL to send the browser to an alternate URL when a URL is blocked due to a policy violation, then enter the URL to which to redirect traffic.
  4. Select which option to use when an unspecified error occurs:
    • Select Permit traffic to allow HTTP traffic to continue unprotected when an unspecified error occurs during data analysis and traffic cannot be analyzed.
    • Select Block traffic to stop all HTTP traffic when an unspecified error occurs until the problem is resolved.
  5. Select Display default message to show a message in the user’s browser when a URL is blocked due to an unspecified error. Click the Default message link to view the default message.
  6. Select Redirect to URL to send the browser to an alternate URL when a URL is blocked due to an unspecified error, then enter the URL to which to redirect traffic.
  7. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Protector Details page.