Edit Content Gateway: HTTP/HTTPS tab

Use the HTTP/HTTPS tab of the Edit Content Gateway page to configure HTTP and HTTPS monitoring and blocking behavior for the module.

  1. Select the deployment Mode for the module:
    • Select Monitoring to monitor HTTP and HTTPS traffic but not block it.
    • Select Blocking to deny HTTP and HTTPS actions that breach policy.
  2. Select the action to take When an unspecified error occurs during data analysis and traffic cannot be analyzed:
    • Select Permit traffic to allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic routed through the Content Gateway to continue unprotected.
    • Select Block traffic to stop all HTTP and HTTPS traffic through the gateway until the problem is resolved.
  3. Set the Minimum transaction size for the system to monitor, in bytes.
  4. Select Display default violation message to show a default message in the user’s browser whenever a URL violation is detected.

    Click the link to view the message.

  5. Use the Redirect to URL field to specify the URL to which to redirect users when they try to access a website that violates policy.

Continue with Edit Content Gateway: FTP tab.