Uploads to Rancher
Rancher manages clusters through its control plane. Managed clusters send data to Rancher's central management servers. This includes "always-on" data, exchanged with Rancher whenever the cluster has Internet access, and "on-demand" data, which should be explicitly requested by Forcepoint Support via the Rancher UI.
Always-On Data sent to Rancher includes:
Information about the cluster
Nodes list and metadata (IP address, hostname, cluster role, etc.)
K3s version
CPU and RAM usage on each cluster node
Current Metrics (via Prometheus)
Fleet agent heartbeat
Fleet bundle synchronization data
Current cluster status (healthy/unhealthy)
On-Demand Data:
Resource allocation (which Kubernetes resource runs on which node)
Current cluster-level Alerts
Current cluster-level Events
List Kubernetes objects (usually Pods and Configurations)
Delete one or more objects
Create a new Kubernetes definition
Update existing definition (limited)
Current logs via Rancher UI
Historical logs via Loki and Prometheus
Historical metrics via Grafana
kubectl Commands Output:
Rancher allows running kubectl exec
into running containers, but this feature is blocked by our WAF. Support needs SSH access or screen-sharing with the customer to execute
these commands.
None of those categories are critical for operation, and access to Rancher can be disabled after deployment.