Completing the Dashboard Client Configuration
Click on the Clients menu item on the left-side menu, this should load a list of authentication clients.
Click on the name link of the item labeled dashboard to navigate to its client configuration page.
Open the drop-down for Login Theme and select the theme created for the reseller (E.g. my-reseller-theme).
Update the Valid Redirect URIs to include the URL that has been configured for the Dashboard UI (remember to
click the + plus icon after entering the value). This will allow Keycloak to redirect back to the Dashboard UI after authenticating.
Update the Web Origins to include the URL that has been configured for the Dashboard UI (remember to click the +
plus icon after entering the value). This will allow CORS endpoint calls to Keycloak from the Dashboard UI.
Clear the Front-channel logout URL field’s content. This way, instead of the “you are getting logged out” screen, it will go straight to the login page upon
logout. Alternatively, you can enter the Front-channel logout URL in the following format:
Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Note: Required for FDC Settings.