Downloading and uploading groups

If you are managing groups strictly in the cloud (in other words, you are not using identity management), you have the option to upload or download a list of groups in a comma-separated values (CSV) file. You can then edit this using a simple text editor or a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.


If you already have groups in place for web users and there are dependencies between the groups and rules, selecting Replace all groups with CSV file could void exceptions to your rules. (For example, if a rule states that no one but the Accounting group can access, and then you upload a new Group list, it is possible that Accounting could lose access to that website.)

To maintain existing group/rule associations, make sure that group names in the CSV file match group names in the portal exactly. The best way to achieve this is to download existing group configurations to a PC, manipulate them as needed, then upload the changes to the cloud.