Creating combined patterns

This topic describes how to create and utilize combined patterns, that is combining multiple actions. For example, if you want to just identify twitter posts and then apply inline DLP, then would need to create two different patterns.


  1. Create the original pattern to identify the post action. See Crafting Lua Code.
  2. Create a new Advanced pattern and add your boolean logic.

    For example, Count("Twitter Post") and Count("Confidential"). This will trigger when it sees a Twitter Post and then when an end user attempts to enter text matching the Confidential data pattern.

  3. Now the tricky requirement. When adding these data patterns to your app or Web Browsing Policy, you will need to ensure that the first level policy (in this case Twitter Post) is set to allow and then add the combined pattern as deny. This will remain true if you are combining multiple Lua based patterns for identifying URL requests.