Understanding URL Lookup page

Use the inbuilt tool to review the category of a URL or IP entered. This is helpful in finding equivalent ThreatSeeker URL Categories, Enterprise App Categories, Web Browsing Categories along with their respective reputation scores for the entered URL or IP.

You can access URL Lookup by navigating to Support > URL Lookup.

For example:

When you press enter or click Lookup after entering the URL or IP of the website or application in the Lookup URL or IP search bar, then following details are displayed:

  • Enterprise App Name - Displays the name of the website or application for the entered IP or URL as specified in the Forcepoint ONE App database.
  • ThreatSeeker URL Categories - Displays the URL category for the entered IP or URL returned by ThreatSeeker. If the category is not available, then it displays Uncategorized.
  • ThreatSeeker URL Reputation - Displays the URL reputation for the entered IP or URL as calculated by Forcepoint ONE SSE based on ThreatSeeker data.
  • Enterprise App Categories - Displays the categories for the entered IP or URL as per the Forcepoint ONE App database. If the category is not available, then it displays Uncategorized.
  • Enterprise App Score - Displays the enterprise application score for the entered IP or URL.
  • Web Browsing Categories - Displays the categories for the entered IP or URL from Webroot. If the category is not available, then it displays Uncategorized.
  • Web Reputation Score - Displays the reputation score for the entered IP or URL from Webroot.