Dimensions and Measures for Cloud Data Storage Collections

This topic lists the Dimensions and Measures for the Cloud Data Storage Collections.

Cloud Data Storage - API Events

The following table lists events related to API scanning. Applies to data at rest in cloud applications integrated via API.

Field Type Description
Action Dimension The action Forcepoint ONE took per policy match.
Activity Detail Dimension The activity the user was doing that generated the event.
Api Config Id Dimension Internal ID of the API scanning instance.
App Name Dimension The managed application name.
Classify Labels Dimension  
Cloud File Id Dimension Internal ID of the file scanned.
Date Dimension Date of event – M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Dlp Dimension The name of the DLP classifier that matched.
Dlp Pattern Dimension The pattern or terms defined in the matched DLP classifier.
Email Bcc Dimension Email addresses on the BCC field of emails scanned.
Email Cc Dimension Email addresses on the CC field of emails scanned.
Email Sender Dimension The email address of the user sending an email that was scanned.
Email To Field Dimension Email addresses on the TO field of emails scanned.
File Creation Time Dimension File creation time of file scanned.
File Folder Path Dimension The file location of files scanned.
File Name Dimension The filename of a scanned file.
File Scan Config Dimension API scanning config
File States Dimension File sharing status
Group Id Dimension Internal ID of the user group that applies to this event.
Insert Time Dimension Timestamp when this event was inserted into the Forcepoint ONE Data lake—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Label Dimension Has a value if the object scanned was an Email. Represents the folder of the email scanned. Otherwise set to None.
Log Key Dimension GUID for this event record.
Malware State Dimension The sharing status of the scanned object if malware is detected.
Modification Time Dimension Time when the scanned file was last modified.
Owner Dimension Email address of object owner.
Policy Id Dimension SSE Policy ID
Sf File Id Dimension Salesforce ID of the file scanned.
Shared With Dimension Who the object is shared with. Only includes PII if the entity is an email address.
Sharepoint Site Dimension URL of SharePoint site scanned.
Sharing State Dimension The sharing status of the scanned object.
State Dimension The sharing status of the scanned object.
Time Dimension Timestamp of event—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Type Dimension Object type. For example: File, Email, Message, Globalfile or Calendar.
Zip Info Dimension Information related to zip archive files
Calendar Event Count Measure Calendar event count (where type = calendar)
Copy Event Count Measure Copy event count
Email Event Count Measure Email event count (where type – email)
Encrypt Event Count Measure Encrypt event count
Event Count Measure API event count
External Event Count Measure The number of scanned files that were shared externally.
File Event Count Measure File event count (where type = file)
Internal Event Count Measure The number of scanned files that were shared internally within the organization.
Message Event Count Measure Message event count. (where type = message)
Object Event Count Measure The number of objects scanned.
Owner Count Measure The number of unique file owners detected.
Private Event Count Measure The number of scanned objects that were not shared.
Public Event Count Measure The number of scanned objects that were shared publicly.
Quarantine Event Count Measure Event counts where the quarantine action was applied.
Share Event Count Measure The number of scanned objects that were shared irrespective of the type of sharing.
Sum Scan Bytes Measure Total bytes scanned for this event.