Dimensions and Measures for Proxy Collections

This topic lists the Dimensions and Measures for the Proxy Collections.

Proxy - DLP File

The following table lists aggregated events related to files scanned as part of Data Security. Applies to both web browsing and inline access controls for protected applications.

Field Type Description
Action Dimension The action Forcepoint ONE took per policy match.
Activity Dimension The activity the user was doing that generated the event.
App Name Dimension The managed application name.
Count Dimension The number of files in the specific Transaction.
Date Dimension Date of event—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

File Size Dimension The size of the file scan in bytes. Used to filter transactions based on size.
Group Id Dimension Internal ID of the user group that applies to this event.
Insert Time Dimension Timestamp when this event was inserted into the Forcepoint ONE Data lake—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Managed Dimension Boolean indicating if the event refers to a managed application.
Sanctioned Dimension Boolean indicating if the application or web domain was sanctioned or not.
Time Dimension Timestamp of event—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Type Dimension The source of the file that was scanned—SWG, CASB or None.
User First Name Dimension The user's first name if available. Otherwise set to Anonymous or none.
User Id Dimension The user ID. Contains the user's login (email address) in brackets.
User Last Name Dimension The user's last name if available. Otherwise set to Anonymous or none.
File Count Measure The count of files scanned based on the dimension criteria.

Proxy - DLP Logs

The following table lists raw events related to content scanning including both Data Security and Threat. Applies to both web browsing and inline access controls for protected applications.

Field Type Description
Agent Header Dimension The user agent header seen.
Apache Request Id Dimension Internal request ID generated by the Forcepoint ONE Dataplane.
App Name Dimension The managed application name.
Create Copy Dimension File path if the create copy policy was configured.
Date Dimension Date of event—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Dlp Action Dimension The DLP action Forcepoint ONE applied per policy match.
Dlp Ip Dimension Client IP address captured during the content scanning.
Dlp Match Location Dimension If the object scanned was an email indicates if the DLP match applied to the Email subject or Email body. Blank otherwise.
Doc Ext Dimension The filename extension when a file is detected and DLP scanning is applied.
Doc Md5 Dimension The MD5 hash of the file scanned if available.
Doc Name Dimension The filename when a file is detected and DLP scanning is applied. Can include PII if the filename is named as such.
Doc Sha1 Dimension The Sha1 hash of the file scanned if available.
Doc Sha256 Dimension The Sha254 hash of the file scanned if available.
Doc Type Dimension The type of document - for example text, pdf, rawscan etc.
Domain Dimension The fully qualified domain name.
File Size Dimension The size of the file in bytes.
Group Id Dimension Internal ID of the user group that applies to this event.
Insert Time Dimension Timestamp when this event was inserted into the Forcepoint ONE Data lake—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Keyword Dimension Keyword found during content scanning.
Managed Dimension Boolean indicating if the event refers to a managed application.
Pattern Dimension The name of the DLP classifier that matched.
Policy Id Dimension Internal ID of the policy applied.
Request Id Dimension Internal request ID (GUID) generated by the SmartEdge Agent or Cloud SWG.
Sanctioned Dimension Boolean indicating if the event was sanctioned or not.
Tags Dimension Comma separated list of Tag applied to this event.
Threat Dimension Indicates the malware engine applied if a threat was detected. Blank otherwise.
Time Dimension Timestamp of event—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Type Dimension Object type. For example: File, Email, Message, Globalfile or Calendar.
Uri Dimension Full URI
User First Name Dimension The user's first name if available. Otherwise set to Anonymous or none.
User Full Name Dimension The user's full name if available.
User Id Dimension The user ID. Contains the user's login (email address) in brackets.
User Last Name Dimension The user's last name if available. Otherwise set to Anonymous or none.
Allowed Event Count Measure Allowed event count
Denied Event Count Measure Denied event count
Event Count Measure DLP Log event count
Malware Event Count Measure Malware event count
User Count Measure User count

Proxy - DLP Pattern

The following table lists aggregated Data Security events based on DLP Patterns. Applies to both web browsing and inline access controls for protected applications.

Field Type Description
Action Dimension The action Forcepoint ONE took per policy match.
Activity Dimension The activity the user was doing that generated the event.
App Name Dimension The managed application name.
Cloud App Id Dimension The internal ID of the managed application detected. Blank otherwise.
Count Dimension The number of DLP Patterns matched in the transaction.
Date Dimension Date of event—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Domain Dimension The fully qualified domain name
Group Id Dimension Internal ID of the user group that applies to this event.
Insert Time Dimension Timestamp when this event was inserted into the Forcepoint ONE Data lake—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Managed Dimension Boolean indicating if the event refers to a managed application.
Pattern Dimension The name of the DLP classifier that matched.
Sanctioned Dimension Boolean indicating if the event was sanctioned or not.
Time Dimension Timestamp of event—M/D/Y HH:MM:SS AM|PM

For example: 7/25/2023, 3:33:31 AM

Type Dimension Object type. For example: File, Email, Message, Globalfile or Calendar.
Allowed Pattern Count Measure Total DLP Allows
Denied Pattern Count Measure Total DLP Block actions
Pattern Count Measure Total DLP Pattern match count