Dimensions and Measures for RBI Collections

This topic lists the Dimensions and Measures for the RBI Collections.


The following table lists aggregations relating to RBI Sanitization statistics.

Field Type Description
Tenant Id Dimension ID of the tenant
Tenant Name Dimension Name of the tenant
Created Time Dimension TimeStamp of the event
User ID Dimension ID for the RBI user
Username Dimension Username for the user
User First Name Dimension First name of the user
User Last Name Dimension Last name of the user
Tab ID Dimension Unique ID generated via RBI for each browser tab opened.
Session ID Dimension RBI Session ID
URL Dimension URL of the site browsed
Host Dimension Hostname of the website visited in isolated session.
Ads Blocked Measure Aggregate of ads blocked
Script Isolated Measure Aggregate of scripts isolated
Images Sanitized Measure Aggregate of images sanitized


The following table lists aggregated events related to file handling in isolation.

Field Type Description
ID Dimension RBI generated unique ID for file.
Created Time Dimension Timestamp of the event.
IP Address Dimension IP address of the device.
Display Name Dimension User's display name
External Report URL Dimension
Note: To be deprecated.
File Mime Dimension MIME type of the file.
Processed File MIME Type Dimension MIME type of the file post processing.
Filename Dimension Name of the file.
Processed Filename Dimension Name of the file post processing.
File Type Dimension Type of the file.
File URI Dimension URI of the file.
Input Filepath Dimension Local file path of the file on the device. This field is empty and no longer captured by RBI. (To be deprecated)
Malicious Dimension If file is malicious, then the value will be true, else false. Default value is ""
Malicious By Dimension File analysis details.
Message Dimension Status message of AV Scan and CDR Action.
Source Type Dimension Source of file download—Web or Email.
Tenant ID Dimension ID of the tenant
Tenant Name Dimension Name of the tenant.
User ID Dimension ID for the RBI user.
Username Dimension Username for the user.
User First Name Dimension First name of the user
User Last Name Dimension Last name of the user
Session ID Dimension RBI Session ID
Cluster Base URL Dimension URL of the RBC cluster
Cdr Performed Dimension If CDR action was performed on file then value will be true else false. Default value is ""
Avscan Performed Dimension If AV (Anti Virus) Scan action performed on file then value will be true else false. Default value is ""
Action Dimension Action taken on file in RBI Session - Download, Upload & SafePreview
RBI Policy ID Dimension ID of RBI Policy
RBI Policy Name Dimension Name of RBI Policy
Status Dimension Status of file analysis
Message Key Value Substitution Dimension Signature of malicious file. For non malicious file this value will be empty.
File Size Measure Size of the file before processing
Processed Filesize Measure Size of the file after processing


The following table lists aggregated events related to web browsing in isolation.

Field Type Description
ID Dimension RBI generated unique ID
Tenant ID Dimension ID of the tenant
Tenant Name Dimension Name of the tenant
Created Time Dimension Timestamp of the event
user ID Dimension ID for the RBI user
User First Name Dimension First name of the user
User Last Name Dimension Last name of the user
Username Dimension Username for the user
Rendering Action Dimension Rendering action taken in RBI Session—Site Safe surfed, Site Isolated & Site Blocked
URL Dimension URL browsed in isolation
URL Categories Dimension Category of the URL browsed
Malicious Dimension If visited website is malicious, then the value will be true, else false. Default value is ""
RBI Policy ID Dimension ID of RBI policy
RBI Policy Name Dimension Name of RBI policy
Appliance ID Dimension RBC cluster ID
Node ID Dimension Pod ID of the RBI Remote Access Container (RAC)
Title Dimension Web page title
Host Dimension Hostname of the website visited in isolated session
Tab ID Dimension Unique ID generated by RBI for each opened browser tab
Device ID Dimension Unique ID generated by RBI for each browser type (example: Chrome, Edge, and so on) used to access isolated web sites from the device.
Session ID Dimension RBI Session ID
Display Name Dimension User display name
IP Address Dimension IP address of the client
Country Dimension Country from where the website is accessed
Client Type Dimension Type of the client used for browsing. Sample values: HTML and so on
Client Version Dimension Version of the client
OS Dimension Operating system running on the device
Browser Type Dimension Browser used to view the website (example: Chrome, Edge and so on)
Threat Score Measure Threat Score of the browsed site