Language support

You can create multiple language versions of block and notification pages to display to end users, allowing a single corporate policy to be applied to a multi-national user base. If you create multiple language versions of standard or custom pages, the most appropriate version of the page is served to end users based on their browser settings. The language version displayed to end users will be the version that matches the primary language set in the user’s browser, if a version exists for that language. If a version does not exist, the default language version will be used.

The default language for block and notification pages is English. You can change this default in the Settings area of the Block & Notification Pages page (see Default notification page settings).

To add a different language version for a notification page:


  1. Click the page name to open it for editing.
  2. Click Add Language.
  3. Select the languages you wish to add from the Available Languages panel. You can use the Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple languages.
  4. Click the right arrow (>) to move the languages to the Selected languages list.
  5. Click OK.

Next steps

The languages you selected are now available in the Languages drop-down list. Select a language from the list to edit the page content for that language, as described in Editing notification pages.

To delete a language version of a notification page, click Delete Language.

Note: You are responsible for translating and editing the content for different language versions of a notification page.