Notification page variables

Some mark-up strings or variables are available. At the time a page is rendered to the end user, these are replaced either with request-specific or user-specific data or with values configured elsewhere in the system. The parameters are generally textual components of the page and their use should be clear from the page preview.

Variables have the following attributes:

  • Variables are always surrounded by underscores, for example, _URL_
  • If the cloud service recognizes a variable, it replaces it with the value it represents. If it does not recognize a variable, it leaves it untouched.

The following variables are available.


When you edit a notification page, the Variables/tokens drop-down list contains the only variables that are relevant to that page. From the list of valid variables, hover over the name to see the associated HTML value.

Manually entering a variable name on the Edit Page Content panel that is not included in the drop-down might result in the variable name displaying as part of the notification page.

Variable Description
Category The web category that applies to the requested site and has triggered the block or notification page.
Client IP address The IP address of the user attempting to authenticate, register, or access a web page. This is optional on most pages, and can be submitted for reporting purposes when a user authenticates or confirms that they want to access the URL via quota time or continue/confirm. It is mandatory on the secure form logon page.
Agree Acceptable Use Policy Link to accept your Acceptable Use Policy and continue to the requested website. Mandatory on any Acceptable Use Policy page.
Close Acceptable Use Policy page Link to close an Acceptable Use Policy page without agreeing to the policy. Mandatory on those pages.
Cloud app name The cloud application that the user is trying to access.
Content category Use to show the type of sensitive content that was detected. For example, regulations, data theft, or custom.
Content classifier Use to show the content classifier that was matched. For example, key phrase, regular expression, or dictionary.
Custom text Use to include your own text on an Acceptable Use Policy page.
File extension Displays the file extension that the user has attempted to access when file extension blocking is in use.
Maximum file size Displays the maximum file size allowed when file size blocking is in use.
Requested file size Displays the size of the file that the user has attempted to access when file size blocking is in use.
Host name The host name of the site that the user is trying to access.
Login host name The host name used for transactions involved in logging on to the cloud service. For example, clicking the 'Log in' button on the Welcome page submits a form to this host.
Login URL Link to log on to the cloud service using basic authentication or NTLM identification.
HTTP request method The ‘method’ in the HTTP request that is being handled (for example, ‘GET’, ‘POST’)
NTLM domain name The domain part of a user’s NTLM ID.
NTLM ID User’s NTLM ID, in the format domain\username.
NTLM username The user name part of a user’s NTLM ID.
Policy name The policy that has been applied to the web request.
Protocol Either HTTP or HTTPS. Used in embedded URLs, such as image links, so the service can use a common page for mixed HTTP and HTTPS without getting browser warnings that the page uses one protocol but image links use the other one.
Quota time disabled Used on the quota page to disable the OK button when the user's daily quota has been used up.
Quota remaining The number of minutes remaining in the user’s daily quota time.
Quota session length The session length available to the user if they choose to use quota time to browse the site they have requested, as well as other sites in that category (if per-category quotas are enabled) or that are in categories set to use quota time.
Reason The reason the request was blocked. Only valid on pages triggered by a blocked request.
Registered email address End user’s email address as registered in the cloud service. This address is used to send emails as part of the end-user registration process and the password reset process.
Registration URL Link included in forgotten password and end-user registration email notification templates. When clicked, the link takes the user to a page where they can reset their password or complete their registration. This is mandatory in both email notifications.
Requested URL The URL that the user is attempting to access, and that has caused the block or notification page to be displayed. If the notification page is a request for authentication, or to use quota time or continue/confirm, the user is automatically redirected to the URL when they authenticate or confirm.
Username End user’s user name. Can be used on an Acceptable Use Policy compliance page, or in end-user notification emails for password resets and self-registration.