To add/delete an application entry in the Standard Application Bypass List:

  • You can add up to 1920 characters only in the Standard Application Bypass List.
  • Entries in this Standard Application Bypass List are applicable to both Neo and F1E endpoint types and versions.
  • Make sure to enter both the domain and the extension for Microsoft application. For example, and are distinct entries. Apple applications do not need extension.


  1. Click the Windows tab to add the Microsoft applications or Mac tab to add the Apple applications.
  2. Click Add below to the Standard Application Bypass List.
  3. Enter one or more application names in the Applications field.
    • Ensure you include the file extension where appropriate, for example myapp.exe
    • You can use the asterisk wildcard in the application names, for example app.*
    • Separate multiple application names with commas
  4. Click Add.
  5. To delete an application, select its check box and then click Delete.