To add/delete an application entry in the List Extension for Newer Neo Endpoints:

  • If you have the Newer Neo Endpoint, then you can add up to 1920 further characters, in addition to the 1920 characters already entered in the standard list.
  • Newer Neo Endpoint versions use both the Standard List and Extension List bypass entries. The specific version number that defines the newer Neo Endpoint will be show in the UI.


  1. Click the Windows tab to add the Microsoft applications or Mac tab to add the Apple applications.
  2. Click Add below to the List Extension for Newer Neo Endpoints.
  3. Enter one or more application names in the Applications field.
    • Ensure you include the file extension where appropriate for Microsoft applications, for example myapp.exe
      Note: For Mac applications, do not include the file extension.
    • You can use the asterisk wildcard in the application names, for example app.*
    • Separate multiple application names with commas
  4. Click Add.
  5. To delete an application, select its check box and then click Delete.

Next steps

If you want to move any application entry from one list to another, you can do that by clicking the left and right navigation arrows.

The used character count is displayed at the top of the table specific to the list type selected. The exact number of characters depends on how the regex is calculated rather than matching exactly with the number of characters typed.

Click Save to keep the changes.