IP addresses

Enter IPv4 IP addresses or ranges in one of the following formats:

  • Explicit address: a single address. Example:
  • Explicit range: 2 addresses separated by a dash (-). Example: (a space before and after the dash is allowed, but not required)
  • Subnet: An address followed by a slash (/) and the number of bits, which is a number between 1 and 32. Example:
  • Subnet with subnet mask: an address followed by a slash (/) and a netmask. Example:
Important: If you have entered an IP address range, subnet, or subnet mask, be sure your entry does not have unintended impact. When a policy is applied, all addresses are handled the same way. For example, if the category is blocked, all qualifying addresses are blocked.

IP addresses and ranges are used to match the resolved address of a requested hostname, using any protocol and port.