Schedule a Favorite report to run at a future time
You can also schedule Favorite reports to run later, or on a regular schedule:
- If you are not already on the Favorite Reports page, click the Favorite Reports link.
- Highlight up to 5 reports to schedule as part of the same job. (You can review the status of scheduled report jobs on the page.)
- Click Schedule. You are prompted to specify when the report will be run, how the report will be delivered, and how long a time period the report will
- Provide the following information to schedule the report, and then click Next:
Field Description Recurrence How often (Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly) the report job runs. Start date The day of the week or calendar date the job first runs. Run time The time of day the job runs. Email to Use the Additional email address field to add the appropriate addresses to this list.
Highlight one or more email addresses to receive the reports in the job. (Be sure to deselect any that should not receive the reports.)
Beginning with v8.1, you can highlight an email address and click Delete to remove it from the list.
Additional email address Enter an email address, and then click Add to put it on the Email to list.
The new email address is automatically highlighted with the other selected email addresses.
Customize email subject and body text Mark this check box to customize your email notification subject line and body text.
If this box is not checked, the default subject and body text are used.
Email subject Enter custom text for the subject line of the email message containing the completed reports.
The default subject reads: Investigative Reports scheduled job
Email text Enter custom body text for the email message containing the completed reports.
The email reads as follows, with your text in place of
Report scheduler generated the attached file or files on
<date time>.
To view the generated report(s), click on the following link(s).
Note: The link will not work if the recipient does not have access to the web server from which the job was sent.
Scheduled job name Assign a unique name for the scheduled job. The name identifies this job in the Job Queue. Output format Choose the file format for the scheduled reports: (Adobe)
PDF or (Microsoft) Excel.
Date range Set the date range to be covered by reports in this job.
All Dates: all available dates in the Log Database.
Relative: Choose a time period (Days, Weeks, or Months) and the specific period to include (This, Last, Last 2, and so on).
Specific: set specific dates or a date range for the reports in this job.
- A summary page lists the scheduled job details, as well as any warnings. Click Save to schedule the report, or click Previous to make changes.
Clicking Save takes you to the Job Queue page, where you can:
- Review scheduled jobs.
- Make changes to scheduled jobs.
- Delete scheduled jobs. (This does not delete the Favorite report.)
- Find status and error information for jobs in progress and recently completed, or for jobs that could not be completed.
The Job Queue page can also be accessed from most investigative reports pages.
When a scheduled report is run, the completed report is saved in the following directory:
<install_path>\webroot\Explorer\Other\By default, the <install_path> is C:\Program Files (x86)\Websense\Web Security\bin.
- Recipients must have read access to the report directory to open the report.
- All reports saved from a repeating job use the same file name. If you want to save files for longer than a single cycle, be sure to change the file name or copy the file to another location.
- Depending on the size and number of reports scheduled, the Explorer directory could become very large. Super Administrators should clear the directory periodically, eliminating unneeded report files.