Reviewing cloud app data

A View by option is provided to change the report contents. Select Cloud app to produce a report on use of the applications. Select Cloud app user to generate a report about users of cloud applications.

When Cloud app is selected, the following columns are included in the table:

  • Risk Level: an assessment of the level of threat (High, Medium, or Low) associated with each cloud application.

    By default, the table is sorted by Risk Level, using the risk value assigned to each threat level. The values are 1, 2, and 3 for High, Medium, and Low, respectively.

    Click the link provided in this column to open a window with information about the application and the associated risk.

  • Cloud App: the application name.

    Click a link in this column to open a User Summary Report for the selected application.

  • Type: the type of application being accessed.
  • Users: the number of users who have accessed the application.
  • Requests: the total number of requests made to the application.
  • Bytes Sent: the total number of bytes sent by requests to the application.
  • Bytes Received: the total number of bytes received from the responses to requests for an application.
  • Last Accessed: the date and time the application was last accessed.

When the View by selection is Cloud app user, the following columns are included:

  • User: the user or IP address of the user accessing cloud applications.

    Click a link in this column to open a summary of cloud application use by the user. See Cloud App Summary.

  • Apps: the total number of cloud applications accessed by the user.
  • Requests: the total number of requests made to cloud applications.
  • Bytes Sent: the total number of bytes sent by requests to cloud applications.
  • Bytes Received: the total number of bytes received from the responses to requests for the applications.
  • Last Accessed: the date and time a cloud application was last accessed by the user.

    By default, the table is sorted on the last accessed date.