User Summary Report

When you click an app name on the Cloud Apps report, a User Summary Report is displayed, with information about the use of the app.

  • The Time period, Requests, and User access selections on the Cloud Apps report is provided, with the option to select a filters for the summary report.
  • A Top 10 Users chart displays the number of requests made by each user.

    A stacked column chart is shown by default, but you can optionally select a different Chart type.

  • The Usage Trend chart shows the bandwidth used by the application.

    A multi-series line chart is shown by default, but you can optionally select a different Chart type.

  • Information about Users Accessing the application is provided at the bottom of the page. This columnar report includes:
    • User: each user that has accessed the application.

      Click a link in this column to open an Investigative Report with more details for the browsing being done by the selected user on the date in the Last Accessed column.

      The link is available only to delegated administrators with permission to “access investigative reports”.

    • User Access: whether the request as made when the user was on-site, off-site, or both.
    • Permitted Requests and Blocked requests: the number of times the application request was permitted or blocked.

      One or both of these columns display. based on the report filters.

    • Bytes Sent: the total number of bytes sent by the user’s requests to the application.
    • Bytes Received: the total number of bytes received from the responses to the user’s requests.
    • Last Accessed: the date and time the user last used the application. This date is used as the default sort option for the report.

Hover over any data point or bar on a chart to view details of the value being charted.

Click Close to close the page and return to the Cloud Apps report.