Client app and operating system summary data

On either tab, you can select an alternate Time period from the drop-down list at the top of the tab. By default, 7 days worth of information (if available) is shown in the charts and tables.

Different time periods are available depending on whether you use a standard or enterprise version of Microsoft SQL Server, or Microsoft SQL Server Express.

Both tabs include a table that lists client apps or platforms and versions.

  • The Client Apps or Platform column gives the name of the client app or platform and can be sorted alphabetically using the arrows in the table.
  • The Lowest Version and Highest Version values give the range of versions being used in your network during the selected period.

    If the version number is not identifiable, a blank is displayed in the version column.

  • Number of client apps of the specified type actively being used to make requests, or of platforms from which requests are originating. The count is made based on the number of unique client IP addresses associated with the client app or platform, and can be sorted numerically using the arrows in the table.

Click a link in the table to open a detail report with more information about the selected client app or platform. See Client app use details or Operating system use details for more information.

Use the Top 5 Client Browsers or Client Platforms chart to view the top browsers or platforms used in your network, and the Usage Trend for Top 5 Browsers or Platforms chart to track use of the most used browsers or platforms over time.

For any chart, select a different Chart type to change the way the information is displayed.

The User Agents tab initially displays the top 10 user agents, based on number of requests. To search the database for specific user agents, enter a string in the User agent field and click Search. The string can be all or part of a user agent header, up to a maximum of 128 characters.

The top (up to 200) results that match your search string are displayed in the User Agent Search Results table, which includes:

  • The actual User Agent that matches the search criteria. If the string is truncated, mouse over it to see the full string.
  • The last column header shows whether results are sorted by Requests or Bandwidth. (Use the Sort by list to choose a measurement.)

After performing a search, click Clear to return to showing the default Top 10 User Agents table.

Click a user agent in the Top 10 or Results table to display a User Agent Detail table at the bottom of the page. The details table shows:

  • The User whose browsing included the user agent.
  • The Client IP Address from which the request originated.
  • The Source Server IP Address for the component (Content Gateway or Network Agent) processing the requests.
  • The number of Requests that included the selected user agent.
  • The volume of Bandwidth for all requests that include the user agent from the specified user and client machine.

Click Export to CSV to export the report detail information to a CSV file that can be manipulated using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel.

Note: If there are more records than your system can handle, the output file will not contain actual CSV-format data. If this occurs, select a shorter time frame to reduce the data set and export the data again.