Cloud App Summary
When you click a user name on the Cloud App Users report, a Cloud App Summary report is displayed, with information about that user’s cloud application use.
- The Time period, Requests, and User access selections on the Cloud App Users report is provided, with the option to select a filters for the summary report..
- A Top 10 Cloud Apps chart displays the number of requests made to each application.
A stacked column chart is shown by default, but you can optionally select a different Chart type.
- The Usage Trend chart shows the bandwidth used by the user when accessing cloud applications.
A multi-series line chart is shown by default, but you can optionally select a different Chart type.
- Information about Cloud Apps Accessed by the user is provided at the bottom of the page. This columnar report includes:
- Risk Level: an assessment of the level of threat (High, Medium, or Low) associated with cloud application.
Click the link in this column to open a window with information about the application and its associated risk.
- Cloud App: the application name.
- Type: the type of application being accessed.
- User Access: whether the request as made when the user was on-site, off-site, or both.
- Permitted Requests and Blocked requests: the number of times the application request was permitted or blocked.
One or both of these columns display. based on the report filters.
- Bytes Sent: the total number of bytes sent by requests to the application.
- Bytes Received: the total number of bytes received from the responses to requests for an application.
- Last Accessed: the date and time the application was last used. By default, the report sorts on this date.
- Risk Level: an assessment of the level of threat (High, Medium, or Low) associated with cloud application.
Hover over any data point or bar on a chart to view details of the value being charted.
Click Close to close the page and return to the Cloud App User report.