Managing hybrid service explicit proxies
Use the
page to review, add, and edit the on-premises explicit proxies available for use with filtered locations.Each explicit proxy that you define appears in a table that displays a proxy name, its IP address or hostname, the port number or numbers used for HTTP, SSL, or FTP access, and the filtered locations (if any) that currently reference the proxy.
- To edit an existing entry, click the proxy Name, and then see Adding or editing a hybrid service explicit proxy.
- To define a new explicit proxy, click Add, and then see Adding or editing a hybrid service explicit proxy.
- To remove a proxy, mark the check box next to the proxy name, and then click Delete.Note: You cannot delete a proxy that is being used by one or more filtered locations. If you wish to delete a proxy, first edit the filtered locations that reference it to remove it from their Explicit Proxy Configuration table.