Evaluating directory performance

When User Service is installed and configured to connect to an LDAP-based directory service, the Directory Performance tab of the Status > Deployment page displays a table showing directory server performance statistics during the selected period (the last hour, by default).

Select a different Time period to see longer-term or more recent data. (The available time periods are last 24 hours, last hour, or last 5 minutes.)

The table contains a separate row for each directory server that User Service has attempted to connect to during the selected period. Each row shows:

  • The IP address of the Directory Host machine
  • The Operation type (bind or lookup)
  • The Average, Most Recent, and Maximum times for each type of operation during the selected period. The time is shown in milliseconds.
  • The number of attempts User Service made to perform each operation for the specified directory
  • The number of times the operation failed

Click a Directory Host entry for more information about the performance of that directory since midnight, over the last hour, and during the most recent 5-minute period (see Review directory server details).

If users in your organization are experiencing browsing delays or sometimes receiving the incorrect policy (especially applied to the first web request of the day, or after a long period without browsing), use the directory performance statistics to identify underperforming directories. If there are persistent problems with specific directory hosts, you may need to take steps to improve:

  • Network connections between User Service and the directory
  • Memory, disk, or CPU speed on the directory server machine

Problems affecting multiple directories may indicate network, DNS, or other configuration issues.