Installing the Add-in using Exchange Server Setup

You can install the Outlook add-in feature in your macOS using Microsoft Exchange server.


  1. Copy the DLPOfficeAddin.xml file to the Exchange server.
  2. Open the Exchange Center Administration application.
  3. Select organization, and go to the add-ins tab.

  4. Click the + sign to add a new add-in.
  5. Select Add from file and locate the DLPOfficeAddin.xml file.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Set the Provided to field to a group that apply specifically to your macOS endpoints or to everyone.
  8. Enable Add-in.
    You can right click to edit Add-in, and then specify the user defaults. You can select Mandatory to ensure users cannot disable this add-in and bypass DLP inspection.

    Next Steps

    Communication between the Forcepoint agent and the Outlook email client uses HTTPS. Forcepoint recommends creation and use of a specific certificate for use in your environment.