Deploying the endpoint package through Jamf

You can automatically deploy endpoint packages using Jamf.


  1. Once the package is built with the Forcepoint Package builder, upload the file using Casper admin. For information, see the Jamf Pro Administrator's Guide for the version in use.
  2. Create a policy to deploy the ZIP archive, ideally with a smart or static group.
  3. Make a second policy that looks for the package already installed that runs a bash script to run the installer with the sudo prefix:

    sudo unzip ./

    sudo installer -package ./EndpointInstaller/WebsenseEndpoint.pkg -target /

    Note: Update the paths or file names as needed. Include the necessary HWSconfig.xml if a Web Endpoint is involved as well.

    WebsenseEndpoint.pkg (not WebsenseEPClassifier.pkg) contains the installer and will call on the other files from the zip, so run the command inside the directory where the zip has been extracted.