
In the Users panel, you can view per user details on risk level, most recent activity, alerts, and other details.

Risk: Displays the risk level of the user.
User: Displays the name of the end-user. Click a specific user name to view the time line of user alerts and display the User insights panel.
Encrypted user: Displays the encrypted name of the user.
Top categories: Displays the top category in which the user had the most alerts. Click on the + icon to see full breakdown of the categories.
Total alerts: Displays the total number of alerts for the user.
Latest activity: Latest user activity on endpoint that gave rise to the incident. You can additionally display the Latest activity time (local), which indicates the activity time as per local time zone from the column selector.
User type: User can be a domain user or a local user.
Department: Displays the work department of the user.
Job title: Displays the job title of the user.
Search: Allows you to find a specific user by their name.
Column selector: Used to configure which columns to display in the table. Risk and User always display in the table; all other columns can be hidden.

By selection column selector, you can adjust the columns displayed.

For users logged in as analyst, the following fields will be anonymized:
  • User
  • User type
  • Department
  • Job title

User activity details can also be exported to a CSV report using the icon.