Creating a new policy

To create a new policy:


  1. Click Add.
  2. Enter a policy name and administrator email address. This email address is used as the address from which system messages are sent. Your users may occasionally reply to these messages, so this should be an email address that is monitored by your IT staff or administrative contact.
  3. Select the template you want to use for your policy. This can be one of the following:
    • A predefined template that determines which URL categories are blocked and which are permitted for a policy:
      • Default blocks a standard set of categories, including categories relating to adult material, drugs, violence, productivity, and security.
      • Basic blocks the most frequently blocked categories and permits the rest.
      • Basic Security blocks only categories considered to be a security risk.
      • Monitor Only permits all categories.

      You can further refine how web traffic is managed changing the actions for individual categories on the Web Categories tab.

      All other policy settings are as defined in Standard Web Configuration.

    • A copy of an existing policy. If you select Existing policy and choose one of your policies from the drop-down list, all of the current settings in that policy are copied into your new policy, except for the following:
      • Proxied connections
      • End user details
      • Category and application control exceptions
    Note: Selecting Default from the policy template drop-down is different than selecting the Default policy from the Existing policy drop-down. The first option applies only to web category blocking, while the second option uses the settings across all tabs in the Default policy for your new policy.

    You can select a policy template only when creating a new policy. Once you have saved your settings for a new policy on the General tab, you cannot select a different template.

  4. To use time-based policy enforcement, select the Time zonewhere your users are located.
  5. In Internet availability, define any time-based web access controls that you want to use. The default setting is to allow Internet access at all times. For more information, see Internet availability.
  6. If required, define confirm timeouts, quota settings, and search filtering. For more information, see General tab.
  7. If available, define whether your users should see and agree to an Acceptable use policy.
    When enabled, use the drop-downs to select the AUP page to use when this policy is enforced and how frequently the notice should display.
  8. Click Save when you are finished.