Uploading a policy assignment file

You can automatically assign end users to policies by uploading a file of policy and user information to the cloud service.

Format the CSV file as two columns, with a header row consisting of the words “EmailAddress” and “Policy”. The two columns must contain:

  • An email address belonging to an existing user in your account
  • A policy name in your account.
For example:
  • EmailAddress,Policy
  • address1@domain1.com,Default
  • address2@domain1.com,Sales Policy

Note that you do not have to include all of your existing users in the file, only those whose policy assignment you wish to change. If a field contains a comma, it must be quoted.

To upload the file:


  1. Under Policy Assignment, browse to the file that you wish to use.
  2. Click Upload.

Next steps

The email addresses in the file are checked against the existing users in the account, and a confirmation message is displayed once the file has uploaded successfully. If there are errors in the file—for example, incorrect formatting, a non-existent policy name, or an invalid, unknown, or duplicate email address—the upload is canceled and an error message is displayed to explain the problem.

You can also download a CSV file containing the current list of end users assigned to policies by clicking Download existing policy assignments.