Custom Categories tab

Use the Custom Categories tab to view and add custom categories used for this policy only. Unlike the custom categories defined on the Web > Policy Management > Custom Categories page, which are available for use in all policies, the categories defined here can be applied only to the policy being edited.

Note that this tab is not available unless Enable custom categories per policy has been enabled on the Web > Policy Management > Custom Categories page.


There is a limit to the maximum number custom categories and sites you can add. The number of used and available category entries is displayed on the page.

Based on analysis of custom category usage, this limit is designed to provide ample capacity. If you have any questions about the custom category limit, please contact Technical Support.

To create custom categories for the policy:


  1. Click Add.
  2. Assign a name to your new custom category and give it a description.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Add hostnames, IP addresses, IP address ranges, or URL paths. For detailed guidance on how to enter sites, and how entries are interpreted, see Adding sites to custom categories. Note the following general guidance:
    • Ensure that hostnames are added only once.
    • Protocols (for example “http://”, “ftp://”) are ignored. Entries are matched to all protocols.
    • Standard ports for the protocol being used are ignored (for example, ports 80 for HTTP, and 443 for HTTPS).
  5. Click Add again.

    Use the buttons at the bottom of the page to Download sites to or Upload sites from a CSV file. A downloaded file can be edited and then uploaded for easy maintenance of the list of sites for the category.

    Important: When a file is uploaded, the contents of the file will replace the list of sites previously associated with the category. It will not add to that list.