Testing policy enforcement

Use the Filtering Test section on the Policies page to check how your policies handle a request for a URL. You can also test particular situations that may be causing issues for your end users, such as including a user name or user agent header.

To run the test:


  1. Under Filtering Test, enter the full URL that you want to test, including the http:// or https:// prefix.
  2. Optionally, enter the email address of an end user registered or synchronized with your account.
  3. Specify the Egress point for the test. By default this is the current IP address that you have used to access the cloud portal. You can also use:
    • Other IP to specify a different IP address that is registered as a proxied connection in one of your policies
      Note: If you select Other IP and then enter an IP address that is not associated with your account, an error message results.
    • Unknown IP to test a roaming user scenario
    • Edge device or Appliance to test connections forwarded to the cloud by an on-premises network device

      If you have defined internal networks for your network device, you can optionally also specify the internal IP address that you want to test.

  4. To identify a particular user agent that may be causing policy enforcement issues, mark Specify user agent header and enter the user agent string in the field provided.
  5. Click Test.

    The results pop-up window displays the following information:

    • The details that you entered, including the user email address and user agent if defined
    • The policy applied, as derived from the source IP address that you selected
    • The category or categories that contain the URL
    • The action applied to the URL by this policy
  6. Click Close when you are done.