Endpoint tab

Use the Endpoint tab to enable secure transparent authentication with the web endpoint for end users whose requests are managed by this policy.

The cloud service uses the User Principal Name (UPN) or the NTLM ID provided by the endpoint agent to match endpoint users to the appropriate policy. The service first attempts to match the UPN. If no match is found, or if no UPN is available, the service attempts to find a user match using the NTLM ID.

From this tab you can deploy the Proxy Connect endpoint to either the roaming users or all users in the policy directly from the cloud. (The Direct Connect endpoint and Neo must be installed manually; automatic installation from this tab is not supported.)

  • Proxy Connect users in your network will be asked to install the endpoint software on their machine when they start a browsing session.
  • Roaming users must first authenticate themselves via the Roaming home page before being asked to install the endpoint software.

See this Knowledge Base article for a list of browsers that support Proxy Connect endpoint deployment directly from the cloud.

For Neo, Proxy Connect, and Direct Connect endpoint software, you can push the endpoint manually to selected client machines using your preferred distribution method. For more information, see Configure Endpoint settings.

Note: You must set an anti-tampering password for Proxy Connect or Direct Connect endpoint installations before you can deploy the endpoint software. Set this password on the Web > Settings > Endpoint page.

For both classic Direct Connect and Proxy Connect endpoint clients, you can choose to automatically update endpoint whenever a new version is released. Note that if you select an automatic update option, it applies to all users in the policy who have installed the endpoint on the selected operating system, regardless of how the endpoint software was originally deployed.

For Neo, automatic updates are enabled by default but can be configured on the Neo management portal, accessed from the Web > Settings > Endpoint page. For more information, see Settings section of the Forcepoint Dynamic User Protection Help.