Data Security tab (DLP Lite)

Click the Data Security tab in the policy to configure options for blocking or monitoring data loss over web channels.

This tab is available when adding a policy if Use DLP Lite is selected on the Web > Settings > Data Protection Settings page or if the Data Protection Service is not licensed.

To enable this tab for an existing policy, navigate to Web > Settings > Data Protection Settings and use the table at the bottom to reset the data security selection for the policy. See Data Protection Settings for details.

Important: Data security features are not compatible with the I Series appliance.

When data security features are enabled, the cloud service searches for sensitive data or files being posted to HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP sites, and reports on any incidents that it discovers. Sensitive data may include intellectual property, data that is protected by national legislation or industry regulation, and data suspected to be stolen by malware or malicious activities. You can configure whether such incidents are blocked or just monitored.

To search for data over HTTPS, be sure SSL decryption is enabled by following the instructions provided in Enabling SSL decryption.

When blocking is enabled for data security incidents, users receive a special block page. To configure this block page, do one of the following:

  • Click the Data Security block page link at the top of the Data Security tab in a policy.
  • Go to the Web > Policy Management > Block & Notification Pages page, expand the General section, and then select Data Security.