The Sync Service configuration file

Use the syncservice.ini file to configure aspects of Sync Service behavior that cannot be configured in the Forcepoint Security Manager.

The syncservice.ini file is located in the bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin, by default).

  • Use a text editor to edit the file.
  • When you are finished making changes, save and close the file, and then restart Sync Service. Changes do not take effect until the service has restarted.

The file contains the following information:

  • SyncServiceHTTPAddress: The IP address that Sync Service binds to for communication with Directory Agent and the Security Manager. It must match the Sync Service IP address on the Settings > Hybrid Configuration > Shared User Data page.
  • SyncServiceHTTPPort: The port that Sync Service listens on for communication from Directory Agent and the Security Manager (default 55832). It must match the Sync Service port displayed on the Settings > Hybrid Configuration > Shared User Data page.
  • UseSyncServiceProxy: Indicates whether Sync Service goes through a proxy to connect to the hybrid service. Values are true or false.
    • SyncServiceProxyAddress: The IP address of the proxy through which Sync Service connects to the hybrid service.
    • SyncServiceProxyPort: The port of the proxy through which Sync Service connects to the hosted service.
    • SyncServiceProxyUsername: The user name (if required) that Sync Service uses to connect to the proxy in order to contact the hybrid service.
    • SyncServiceProxyPassword: The password (if required) that Sync Service uses to connect to the proxy in order to contact the hybrid service.