Missing key hybrid configuration information

In environments that use hybrid the hybrid service, Sync Service provides an account identifier each time it connects to the hybrid service to send or retrieve information. This identifier is unique to your organization, and updated each time the admin password changes.

Under rare circumstances, possibly involving a serious problem with the Policy Database, the connection between your on-premises software and the hybrid service may be lost. In these cases, you must request a security token, used to generate a new identifier for your hybrid service account. The security token is sent to the contact email address specified on the Settings > General > Account page.

If you receive the alert message, “Missing configuration information; connection to the hybrid service lost,” either no contact email address has been provided, or the contact email address is no longer valid.

In this case, in order to maximize the security of your organization’s private data, you must contact Forcepoint Technical Support directly to update your hybrid service account.