Edit IoB

  1. Select the specific IOB from the list, and right- click to open the IoB editor.

    IOB overview: Displays the selected IOB details like IOB No, rule name, category, channel, and description.
    Severity: Set the desired severity level for the selected IOB.
    Users: Set the users over whom the rule can be applied to all users or all users except for specific domain users/groups. If the rule is applied to all users except for specific domain users/groups, use the search option to locate the same and apply the rule.
  2. Click the Save button to save the changes. On closing the editor post save, the Pending Changes icon appears. This button is triggered when a policy is modified.

  3. Click the Deploy changes button to apply the changes.
Note: Anomaly engine IoBs display two types of severity:

  • Dynamic: Automatically set the severity determined by the action.
  • Static: You can set the desired severity level for the selected IOB.