Template Language

Template Language (GTL) allows using variables, functions and conditions in any report text input fields and compiles those expressions into resulting values.


File Totals
{{ count('files') }} were discovered in the {{ connector.name }} cloud.
Of this number {{ count('files', 'fileType=doc OR fileType=txt') }}
were classified as they contain text, or are recognisable file types or data.

Example with actual data

File Totals 
1000 were discovered in the Confluence cloud. 
Of this number 800 were classified as they contain text, or are recognisable file types or data.


Two possible syntaxes parsed by GTL:

  • Expressions
  • Conditions


Any text placed between {{ and }} is considered an Expression. Expression is a mathematical or logical operation that returns a value. For example, this {{ 10 }} is an expression that returns the number 10. It is possible to use operators, {{ 10 + 5 }} will return 15. Logical operators are also supported, {{ 10 > 5 }} will return true. Here is a list of supported operators:

+ - * / % = != > < >= <=

Expression can also contain variables, which are defined in the current context. For example, {{ file.name }} will return the name of the file, if the file object is defined.

Expression Functions

But the most powerful feature of the expressions is the ability to call functions. These are predefined aggregation functions, which fetch data from the database and return the result. For example, {{ count('files') }} will return the number of files in the database.

Here is a list of supported functions:
  • count
  • sum
  • avg
  • max
  • min
  • median
Those functions support the following parameters:
  • Dataset name - the name of the dataset to fetch data from. Possible values are: files, trustees, connectors, agents, activities.
  • GQL - the GQL query to filter the data. For example, fileType=doc OR fileType=txt will return only files with the doc or txt file type.
  • Attribute - the attribute to aggregate. All functions, except count, require this parameter. For example: sum('files', 'fileType=doc OR fileType=txt', 'contentLength') will return the sum of the sizes of all files with the doc or txt file type.


Conditions are useful when you want to display different text based on some condition. Example:
{{ if (count('files', 'sensitive=true') > 0) }}
  Sensitive files have been detected!
{{ else }}  
  You are safe!
{{ endif }}
else clause is optional and can be omitted:
{{ if (count('files', 'sensitive=true') > 0) }}
  Sensitive files have been detected!
{{ endif }}

The if statement is followed by a condition in parentheses. The condition must be any expression that returns a boolean value.