
GV Essentials

In order to upgrade the essential services (e.g. Postgres, Kafka, MongoDB, Consul) run helm repo update and then the same command you used in step 5 in the Install Forcepoint DSPM using Helm without Rancher section.

Forcepoint DSPM

In order to upgrade Forcepoint DSPM run helm repo update and then the same command you used in step 6 in the Install Forcepoint DSPM using Helm without Rancher section.


You can optionally also install monitoring tools to collect metrics and logs of all services that are running inside the cluster:
  1. Install the CRDs:
    $ helm upgrade --install rancher-monitoring-crd gv_stable/rancher-monitoring-crd --wait \
    --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
    --namespace=cattle-monitoring-system \
    --version=100.1.2+up19.0.5 \
  2. Install the monitoring tools:
    $ helm upgrade --install rancher-monitoring gv_stable/rancher-monitoring --wait \
    --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
    --namespace=cattle-monitoring-system \
    --version=100.1.2+up19.0.5 \
    --set k3sServer.enabled=true \
    --set k3sControllerManager.enabled=true \
    --set k3sScheduler.enabled=true \
    --set k3sProxy.enabled=true
To access the Grafana dashboard run the command:
kubectl port-forward svc/rancher-monitoring-grafana -n cattle-monitoring-system 3001:80 --address='' and in your browser type the address http://$SERVER_IP:3001
To access Prometheus dashboard run the command:
kubectl port-forward svc/rancher-monitoring-prometheus -n cattle-monitoring-system 3001:9090 --address='' and in your browser type the address http://$SERVER_IP:3001