
Use this section if you want to detect intellectual property or sensitive data using custom phrases, dictionaries, or regular expressions containing business-specific terms or data.

  1. Define new classifiers on the Web > Policy Management > Content Classifiers page. See Configure Content Classifiers for Data Security (DLP Lite) for instructions.
  2. On the Data Security tab, select the classifiers that you want to enable for the policy. If none are listed, none have been created yet.
  3. Select a severity for each classifier to indicate how severe a breach would be. Select High for the most severe breaches. Severity is used for reporting purposes. It allows you to easily locate High, Medium, or Low severity breaches when viewing reports.
  4. Where applicable, configure a threshold for each classifier. To do so, click a link in the Threshold column, and then indicate how many times this classifier should be matched to trigger an incident. You can indicate a range if desired, such as between 3 and 10. By default, the threshold is 1.

    Also indicate if you want the system to count only unique matches when calculating the threshold or all matches, even duplicates. Example: your classifier has the key phrase “top secret” and a threshold of 5. If the key phrase is found 6 times in a single web post, the system would count that as one match if you select Count only unique matches or 6 matches if you select Count all matches even duplicates. In the first case, the threshold is not triggered. In the second case, it is.