Using the Cloud Apps tab with Protected Cloud Apps

When the Protected Cloud App feature has been enabled (see Configure protected cloud appsfor details), the selections made on the Web > Settings > Protected Cloud Apps page impact the Block Access and Allow Access selections.

  • Protected cloud apps display on both lists and are indicated with a hash mark (#). To easily find them, use a hash mark at the beginning of the search string.
  • Cloud apps selected on Web > Settings > Protected Cloud Apps as a protected app are automatically selected on the Allow Access list. They appear in search results on both lists, but cannot be selected or removed on either.

    Attempts by an end user to access these apps are forwarded to Forcepoint CASB for analysis and policy enforcement unless the app is in a blocked category (configured on the Web Categories tab).

  • Cloud apps listed but not selected on Web > Settings > Protected Cloud Apps can be either allowed or blocked on the Cloud Apps tab. If an app is blocked and later selected on Web > Settings > Protected Cloud Apps, it is automatically moved to the Allow Access list and marked as selected.