
Use this section to select the Neo mode to use. Select:

  • Intelligent auto-switching... to automatically switch between proxy connect and direct connect modes based on performance and network conditions. This is the recommended option.

    Neo uses the appropriate endpoint mode, based on network conditions When proxy connect mode is in use but can’t connect to the proxy or if performance becomes an issue, Neo will switch to the direct connect mode.

  • Proxy Connect to use only the Proxy Connect endpoint mode. This Neo mode corresponds to the functionality available in the standalone classic Proxy Connect agent.
  • Direct Connect to use only the Direct Connect endpoint mode. This Neo mode corresponds to the functionality available in the standalone classic Direct Connect agent.

From the Fallback mode drop-down, select the fallback behavior that should be applied to a user request if the network connection to Neo is interrupted.

  • Open to allow the user request.
  • Closed to block the user request.
  • Safe (not available with Proxy Connect) uses local cache to apply policy.