Configuring ACE analysis settings

On the Web Content & Security tab for the selected policy:


  1. To enable content security, select Real-Time Content Classification.
  2. Select Analyze links embedded in Web content to include embedded link analysis in content categorization. Requests that are blocked as a result of link analysis are logged and can be viewed in Analysis Activity reports.
  3. To enable security analysis, select Real-Time Security Classification.
    • Select Analyze content from sites with elevated risk profiles to enable file analysis on files from uncategorized sites and files from sites with elevated risk profiles, as identified by Security Labs.
    • Select Analyze content from sites with elevated risk profiles and from sites with lower risk profiles to analyze inbound files. This option is resource intensive.
  4. Select Antivirus File Analysis - Inbound to enable file analysis with antivirus definitions.
    • Select Analyze content from sites with elevated risk profiles to enable file analysis on files from uncategorized sites and files from sites with elevated risk profiles, as identified by Security Labs.
    • Select Analyze content from sites with elevated risk profiles and from sites with lower risk profiles to analyze inbound files. This option is resource intensive.
  5. Select Advanced Detection File Analysis - Inbound to enable advanced detection file analysis.
    • Select Analyze content from sites with elevated risk profiles to enable file analysis on files from uncategorized sites and files from sites with elevated risk profiles, as identified by Security Labs.
    • Select Analyze content from sites with elevated risk profiles and from sites with lower risk profiles to analyze inbound files. This option is resource intensive.
    Note: For an I Series appliance deployment, when performance optimization is selected, the cloud service analyzes only sites with elevated risk profiles.
  6. Select Rich Internet Application analysis to analyze Flash, Silverlight, and similar files for malicious content.
  7. Click Save.

Next steps

To manage which file types are analyzed, continue with Configuring file analysis.

To configure exceptions to advanced analysis, see Analysis exceptions.