User and group exceptions for time-based access control

You can apply both user and group exceptions to any time-based access control that you set up on the Web > Policies > Time Access Exceptions page for a given policy. To view the list of exceptions, or to add or edit an exception, click the link next to Internet availability on the General tab for the policy.

To edit an exception, click the exception, then click Edit. To add an exception:


  1. Click Add exception.
  2. The rule State is set to ON by default, meaning the rule will be enabled for the users and groups you select. If you want to set up a rule but not enable it immediately, click the State switch to set it to OFF.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the rule.
  4. Choose the notification page that appears to users in this exception.
  5. Select the Time period during which the rule is active. If you select During or Outside, the drop-down list contains the standard time periods and any custom periods you have set up (see Time periods).
  6. For an exception that should be applicable to roaming users only, mark Apply only when user is roaming.
  7. Do one of the following:
    1. To set up an exception for specific users or groups, select For these users and groups. You can then enter a comma-separated list of email addresses, or select one or more groups, or both.
    2. To set up an exception for everyone except those in a specific group, select For everyone not in the group, and choose a group from the drop-down list.
  8. Click Save.