Protocol exceptions

Protocol exceptions allow the default action for a protocol to be overridden for specified users and groups of users. The number of exceptions to the default filtering action is shown at the bottom of the Protocols tab. Click a protocol to view exception rules that may apply to it.

The exceptions table provides the following information about each rule:

  • The name assigned to the rule
  • The protocol or protocols to which the rule applies.
  • The users and groups to which the rule applies. If none are shown, the rule applies to all users of the policy.
  • The action for the rule (Allow or Block)
  • The status of the exception rule (Active or Inactive)

To create an exception rule:


  1. Click Add Exception.
  2. On the Add Exception page, enter a Name (1 - 512 alphanumeric characters) and Description (1 - 1024 characters) for the rule.
  3. Select the Action to apply from the drop-down list near the top of the page.
  4. Mark the Status > Active button to enable the rule for the users and groups you have selected.
    To stop using the exception without deleting it, select Inactive status.
  5. Select the protocol or protocols to which the rule applies. To select multiple protocols, use the Shift and/or Ctrl keys. Use the arrow key to move a selection to the Selected protocols list.
  6. Enter or select the users and groups for the rule:
    • Enter individual email addresses and use the arrow key to move the addresses to the Selected users list. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
    • Select the user groups to which the rule applies and use the arrow key to move the groups to the Selected groups list.

    You can also specify that the rule applies to all users and groups in the policy except the group you select.

  7. Click Save.

    To edit an existing exception, click the name link in the Protocol Exceptions list. The Edit Exception page appears showing the current settings for that rule.

    To delete an exception, mark the check box to the left of the name and click Delete.