Export data from Forcepoint ONE Data Security portal

Generate PDF or CSV reports on users, devices, alerts, and endpoints.

Administrators or analysts can generate reports for the following modules. Reports are available in CSV or PDF formats and in some cases both.

Table 1.
Forcepoint ONE Data Security portal section Report format

Export to PDF or CSV or both per widget reports on following:

  • For the Users tab, following reports can be generated:
    • Risky users for the selected time period (24 hours, 7 days, 30 days).
    • Top risky users.
    • Detected behavior- Categorized based on device control, data ex-filtration, defense evasion etc.
    • Data Movement- The movement of your organization's data by destination or channel during the specified time frame.
  • For the Endpoint tab, following report can be generated:
    • Endpoint details for both Windows and macOS endpoints.
  • For the Devices tab, following reports can be generated:
    • Devices by access permission
    • Users by device activity
    • Devices by manufacturer

Export to CSV reports on:

  • Users tab: Top risky users. Also, per widget PDF reports can be exported for the User Insights tab.
  • Alerts tab: All alerts generated. Also, PDF report can be exported for specific alerts.
  • Devices tab: Removable storage device details. For a specific removable storage device you can export a PDF report as well.
Endpoint management Export to CSV the endpoint information.
Settings Export to CSV the audit log information.