Install FDC Helm Chart
Replace the following variables:
with the version that is present in the bundle that has been downloaded.$RESELLER
with the reseller code (eithergetvisibility
with the product being installed (synergy
# helm upgrade --install gv-platform charts/gv-platform-$VERSION.tgz --wait \
--timeout=10m0s --kubeconfig /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml \
--set-string clusterLabels.environment=prod \
--set-string clusterLabels.cluster_reseller=$RESELLER \
--set-string clusterLabels.cluster_name=mycluster \
--set-string clusterLabels.product=$PRODUCT
Note: In case if you experience 404 error for accessing to Keycloak or UI and use 1.26 (default) version of K3s ensure that treafik patch is applied:
# kubectl patch clusterrole traefik-kube-system -n kube-system --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/rules/-1/apiGroups/-", "value": ""}]'
# kubectl apply -f assets/traefik-patch.yaml
# kubectl rollout restart deployment traefik -n kube-system