Can the service automatically send me the message report?

If you have received a report set up by your administrator, click the link in the report to receive it on a weekly basis. Otherwise, to define subscription details request a report, then on the report, click the link to set up the report subscription. You are presented with a screen similar to the one shown below.

You can specify the following subscription options:
  • Add or remove email addresses to your report. Approval requests are sent to added email addresses.
  • Set report options
    • Scheduling
      • What time period do you want reported: the last 1, 2, 7, 14, or 30 days?
      • How often should the report be delivered: daily, weekdays, weekly, biweekly, monthly, or never?
      • How many rows do you want on each page in the report: 20, 50, 100, 200, or 500?
        Note: Subscriptions to the Forcepoint Email Security Cloud message report lapse after 90 days. 62 days after subscribing, each time you receive a report, you are reminded that you should renew your subscription.
    • Email types to include
      • What sections do you want included in the report: suspicious messages received or sent, clean messages received or sent?
      • In what order do you want the information to appear: date/time, subject, from, to, status? Ascending or descending?
    • Localization
      • What time zone should the report assume?
      • In what language do you want the report delivered?