What does the Status mean?
The Status column of the personal email report includes a reason (such as Spam) and a disposition (such as Quarantined).
If a message was not delivered, the first (bold) word in this column indicates the reason why. The word below it indicates the action taken on the message, also known as the disposition of the message.
Quarantined spam messages include the spam score. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the message is spam.
Reason | Explanation |
Access control |
The message was blocked because of an access control rule set up by your administrator. |
Access rule |
The message was blocked because of an access control rule set up by your administrator. |
Blocked attachment |
The message contains an attachment whose type has been blocked by your policy. |
Blocked executable |
The message contains an executable attachment and executables have been blocked by your policy. |
Blacklisted |
The email address or domain of this sender is in your personal blacklist or your policy’s blacklist. |
Clean | The message does not violate any of your policy settings. |
Dangerous content |
The message contains content that may be dangerous to your machine. This reason can have many sub-reasons:
Extension masked | The message contains an attachment whose extension has been renamed as configured by your policy. For example, an executable extension may have been named “.ex_” to prevent it from being executed. |
Format | The Format reason can have many sub-reasons:
Lexical rule | The message contains content that breaks a lexical rule set up in your policy. |
Macro | The message contains a suspected macro virus. |
Message loop | The service detected a message delivery loop. |
Operational | The message was blocked for operational reasons. |
Potential virus | The message contains a potential virus that could be harmful to your machine. |
Spam (n) | The message has been classified as spam by your email policy. Quarantined spam messages include a spam score. The higher the score, the more likely it is that the message is spam. |
System | The message failed to be processed for system reasons. |
Tempfailed | The mail server is down and temporarily could not receive mail. |
Too large | This message is larger than the maximum size specified in the policy. |
Unknown | The message encountered an unknown problem. |
Virus | The message contains a known virus that is harmful to your machine. |
Whitelisted | The email address or domain of this sender is in your personal whitelist or your policy’s whitelist. |
Disposition | Explanation |
Accept | The message was accepted and delivered. |
Bcc | A blind copy of the message was sent; that is, the recipient’s name has been obscured. |
Bcc, subject tagged | A blind copy of the message was sent with the subject line tagged. |
Bounced | The message was returned to the sender, undeliverable. |
Bypass | The message bypassed the email security system. |
Discarded | The message was deleted from the archive. |
Quarantined | The message is being held in the email quarantine. |
Spam forwarded | This spam message was forwarded to a recipient. |
Subject tagged | The message subject was tagged. |
Temp failed | The mail server is down and temporarily could not receive mail. |
Unknown | The resulting action is not known. |
Void | No action was taken. |
If you require a message that has been blocked or quarantined because of your policy settings, please see your email administrator.