Reviewing third party connected apps

Once you have completed the API authorization steps above, Forcepoint ONE SSE will also scan for third party connected apps. This scan will kick off after API authorization and recur every 6 hours.

To review the connected apps follow the steps below.


  1. On the Protect > Policies page select Google Apps to open the settings page. Underneath the Setup API option you will now see a link for Connected Apps.

  2. The Connected Apps page will display information about the 3rd party connected apps, permission level and scopes being used:

    1. Application: The name of the third party application identified.
    2. Date Access: Which Google apps the third party connected app has access to.
    3. Permissions: The level of permissions that the third party connected app has.
    4. Scopes: Which Google API scopes are being used by the third party connected app.
    5. Scanned Items: All of the scanned items belonging to the user who has enabled third party connected apps.
    6. Scanned Users: Number of users who have enabled the connected app.