YouTube Restricted mode

The YouTube category, which appears under Bandwidth on the Web Categories tab, includes the option to enable YouTube Restricted mode.

This service allows you to limit access to the content available on YouTube, and is designed for use by schools, libraries and other institutions. The content that appears in Restricted mode is controlled by YouTube, and excludes material that contains potentially mature content. Videos may be flagged as restricted if mature content is detected by an automated system, or if a YouTube employee has set an age restriction to a video.

To enable the feature, select Filter using YouTube Restricted mode. Then select the filtering level, either Strict or Moderate.

This feature is active for end users only if the YouTube web category is not blocked. If you choose to block the category by default but configure exceptions for specific users or groups (see Exceptions), those users and groups can access the YouTube content that is available in Restricted mode.

Note: YouTube Restricted mode replaces the YouTube for Schools feature, which has been withdrawn by YouTube.