Using quota time to limit Internet access

When a user clicks Use Quota Time, she can view sites in any quota category until the quota session ends. The default quota session time (configured via the General tab of the policy) is 10 minutes.

Once the quota session ends, a request for a quota site results in another quota block message. Users who have not depleted their daily quota allocation can start a new quota session.

Internet applets, such as Java or Flash applets, may not respond as expected to quota time restrictions. Even if it is accessed from a quota-restricted site, an applet that runs within the browser can continue running beyond the configured quota session time.

This is because such applets are downloaded completely to a client machine and run just like applications, without communicating back to the original host server. If the user clicks the browser’s Refresh button, however, the cloud service detects the communication to the host server, and then blocks the request according to applicable quota restrictions.