File Type Analysis Options

The file type analysis options determine which types of files are analyzed for malicious content, including unrecognized files. Individual file extensions may also be specified. You can specify the maximum file size to analyze (default 10 MB).

Larger files pass through the proxy without analysis.

To specify the types of files to analyze:


  1. Mark the check box next to each file type that you want to analyze.

    As a best practice, analyze all suspicious files, as identified by Security Labs, and all unrecognized files.

    Note: For an I Series appliance deployment, when performance optimization is selected, the cloud service performs file type analysis only for sites with elevated risk profiles.
  2. To always analyze files having a specific extension, under Analyze these file extensions, enter the extension in the entry field and click Add or press Enter. You can enter multiple extensions, separated by commas. For example, enter gz, cad, or js.
    • To edit an existing file extension, you must delete it, and add it again with the changes that you want.
    • To remove an extension from the list, select the extension or extensions from the list, and click Delete. To select multiple extensions, select each extension while pressing the Ctrl or Shift key.
  3. Next to Maximum file size to analyze, enter a size in megabytes. Files larger than the specified size are not analyzed.
  4. When you’re finished, click Save.
    To configure exceptions to advanced analysis, see Analysis exceptions.